Friday, July 07, 2006

7 Julio 2006

San Jose del Pacifico.
On a clear day they say you can see the ocean, I really don't believe them. We rented a car and left Oaxaca about 10:30. We drove Highway 175 to the hilltop town of San Jose del Pacifico. We stayed in a cabin on the side of a mountain. The elevation is about 9500 feet. We sat on the porch the rest of the afternoon and drank beer and mezcal while playing dominos. The view and weather were great. One minute it was sunny and the next minute the clouds would saunter up from the coast and you couldn't see in front of you.
Notice the domino stack. I am getting my ass kicked. I have ten to lay down and the cow only has ONE. Yeah! who do you think won that game.

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