Friday, August 04, 2006


These lovely young ladies were having a great time selling their goods to people walking down the street. They had chosen a very good spot to open there business - directly across the street from Fred Meyer near Hawthorne. Tehy cleaned off the shaded corner, brought in the structure from Ona's house (far left), slapped a sign on the front and opened for business.
They had fresh lemondade and Organic (vegan option) cookies for sale. Both items were priced at 75 cents each. They were boisterous salespeople. Explaining the process for the lemonade and the cookies. Asking if I mind eggs in my cookies. WOW! What planet are these children from. I purchased a cookie and was amazed at the flavor and texture. It was REALLY good. I decided to purchase one for the cow as a treat that evening. But about the time I finished paying for the cookie, taking pictures of the girls and wishing them good luck; a homeless gentleman approached and started chatting with the girls. I decided to buy him a lemonade and give him the cookie instead (sorry cow).
In about ten years - I can see these ladies giving Pix, ALMA or Saint cupcake a run for their money.

1 comment:

Mom Under Pressure! said...

Watch out Betty Crooker, and Ms. Martha, here come the new Entrepreneurs!