Thursday, August 03, 2006

Fish in the road?

Your eyes are not deceiving you, that is a fish in the middle of the road. It is a pretty large fish too. I would say it is about 9 inches long or more.
As I was trotting out to pick some berries (see above post) I happened upon a fish in the road. I thought, what the hell is a fish doing in the middle of the road? Two blocks from my house and about four blocks from the river.
A couple of nights before, the cow and I were taking our evening stroll down to the riverfront. As we turned the corner we noticed a few of our neighbors chatting. I recall hearing one of them say, "did you see it?" Another replied, "Yes, he dropped it right there." NOt knowing what they were talking about we strolled on thinking nothing of it.
Now- I am trying to put two and two together. I think this is what happened. There is a resident bald eagle that has a huge nest down by the park where I walk and ride my bike. I think the eagle has babies up in that nest because when we have rode by I have heard loud chirping. Anyway - I think the eagle was out for a catch of the day at the river and for some reason lost his tallons (hee hee - that is suppose to be "lost his footing") and dropped dinner in the middle of the road two blocks from my house.


El Serracho! said...

yes, randy. cook some sushi.

El Serracho! said...

that's why you wanted to cook that fish?

sinisterhaley said...

you two are ridiculous