Thursday, September 07, 2006


My NEW Teaching job started on Tuesday and I am so tired I could fall asleep right this minute. I have been getting up before the sun and trying not to fall asleep on my way home.
I am teaching Freshman - an old colleague once said , "Freshmen ARE NOT human beings." At the end of my first three days of school I am going to have to agree with that statement. I am also teaching Juniors and they are so grown up compared with Freshmen. Today one of the Junior girls asked if she could write her paper on ecstasy. I made the snide comment that I prefer she not write her paper while on hallucinogenics - she didn't get it. I also heard a young man tell his friend he thought I was ridiculous! I blurted out the comment that my husband thinks I am ridiculous sometimes too. Again, only the guy who said it and his friend understood what was going on the rest of the class just think I have a bit of terrets (sp?).

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