Sunday, September 10, 2006

Random acts of kindness

This weekend was filled with people being especially nice. I have three random acts of kindness to report:

1. As the cow and I were dining alfresco on Pizza and vino, a couple sat down at the table near us. The young man asked if his smoking would bother us and that he was more than willing to stand away from his table to have his pre-meal smoke. I was so excited that he actually asked I didn't know what to say. I thanked the couple as we left for being so considerate.

2. As we were walking to the movie theater I noticed the sign pictured. There is a nest of yellow jackets living in the shrubbery. Once I started walking closer you could hear the swarm inside the bushes. Very nice of these people to warn you as you approach the danger.

3. We stopped for a beer and a bite to eat prior to the movie at Oaks Bottom Pub. The server was super nice and let us try four different types of beer. The samples were nice pours also and we both got a good idea of what we liked and what we didn't. The cow ordered the ember ale. I describe this beer as tasting as if you have licked a briquette.

1 comment:

El Serracho! said...

sounds like good beer.