Monday, September 25, 2006

The Tillamook Curse is BROKEN

On our way to the beach we passed through the Tillamook State Park, otherwise known as Tillamook Burn. The story about this forest is impressive. The first burn occurred in 1933 and every six years a devastating fire occurred until 1951. Click here to get a picture of the area during those years. The state of Oregon stepped to the plate and decided to try and reforest the area. Oregon voters passed a constitutional amendment in 1948 authorizing $12 million in bonds to rehabilitate the land. Forestry personal, state officials, adults and school kids all turned out to help plant over 72 million seedling. WOW! This area is gorgeous now. There is a great information center at the summit. There are hiking trails throughout the park and best of all there are beautiful, large trees everywhere.

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