Monday, July 25, 2005

Rant - This is a rant....

Yes, this is a rant and if you are going to send me negative comments about my rant DON"T!

I was wondering what it would be like to be naturally skinny/thin/twiggish (if you know what I mean about twiggish you are part of my generation). I have seen my weight increase as I increase in age and no matter what I claim I am going to do about it I just keep eating and drinking because it is soooo goood. But what I would really like to experience is all out skinniness. Knowing that I could eat anything and everything and continue to be skinny would be fabulous. I know all of you who are naturally thin never once thought what it would be like to have legs like tree trunks or a rear with some ripples but man there is not a week that goes by that I do not wish I was naturally thin. My rant could go on for days but those of you who understand the desire get what i have said in this short rant.
You are probably wondering what got me started on this rant - I had a birthday recently and made the mistake of getting on the scale. Low and behold another pound heavier.
No pics of the pounds I don't want to scare anyone off!


El Serracho! said...

i hate skinny losers

El Serracho! said...

i love pj harvey for her MIND baby. El Serracho is a modern dude.