Wednesday, July 26, 2006

What to READ?

I have had many great conversations with my hair stylist (Jamie) regarding books. I love the fact that she reads and is part of a book club. Her and I discussed creating a list of titles that we have read and passing them off to the other. Here is my list in NO particular order. Most of them have been read over the last year or so:

Teacher Man - McCourt
The Darling - Banks
FAKE: forgery, lies and ebay - Walton
Finding Manana - Ojito
Lipstick Jihad - Moaveni
Educating Alice - Steinbach
House on Mango Street - Cisneros
Running with Scissors - Burroughs
On Mexican time - Cohan
Caramelo - Cisneros
Dress you family in corduroy and denim - Sedaris
The other Boleyn Girl - Gregory
1000 Days in Venice -De Blasi
1000 Day in Tuscany -De Blasi
A Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Genius - Eggers
Kite Runner - Hosseini
Eats, Shoots and leaves - Truss
Reading Lolita in Tehran - Nafisi
Fahrenheit 451 - Bradbury
The Jungle - Sinclair
Fast Food Nation - Schlosser
Pride and Prejudice - Austen
Animal Farm - Orwell
Catcher in the Rye - Salinger
Spanish Lessons - Lambert
Bastard out of Carolina - Allison
Freakonomics - Levitt

*Richard Russo ALL - My favorite is Straight Man


El Serracho! said...

i've only read 6 from that list. though there are a couple i might add.

El Serracho! said...

ok then.

sinisterhaley said...

which six?

kennethwalton said...

Hey, you read my book! Hope you liked it.

Tell your hairstylist I can chat with her bookclub via speakerphone, if they choose to read FAKE. (Details on my site.)

I've read several of the books on your list - you've picked some good ones.

El Serracho! said...

umm let's see now..these span a couple of decades of my life..

the darling
dress your family
a heartbreaking work..
eats, shoots, and leaves
fahrenhiet 451 (really much better than advertised)
fast food nation
catcher in the rye (natch)

looks like 7 actually.