Saturday, August 06, 2005

4:10 Friday Afternoon

What to do? Voile' meet the cow for happy hour. I decided that the pictures I took would be for specific purposes. I didn't know what that purpose was or how I would find it but there was intent in my story. The clock is just to prove I was thinking about this blog before setting out on my adventure (as always). You will notice missing from the collage is actual pictures of my betrothed (I know the definition doesn't fit but I like the word - I am reading a novel set in the 14th century - can you tell?) and I drinking but there is a reason for that. As I was walking along the North Park Blocks I saw the Federal Building and across from it is this cool home store called Hive-it has a bit of everything very european and spanish/scandanvian designs. Both the Fed building and the store reminded me of GoS. Only a couple of steps from Hive, parked in front of this tiny little bistro, Cafe Allora, was this lovely red bike. Yes, I am thought of El S- knowing a els a comment would be made about the bike, comments like make, model, male or female rider? The cow and I ended up on NW23 having a pizza at a place both els and GoS have been to, Pizzacato. As I was walking home I realized another red bike, all of these were signs to say hey to els and GoS-thinkin' about you!


El Serracho! said...

best post ever.

you mention all of the coolest people you know AND you have pictures of bikes! what more could anyone want?

El Serracho! said...

Main Entry: be·troth
Pronunciation: bi-'trO[th], -'troth
Function: transitive verb
Etymology: Middle English, from be- + trouthe truth, troth
1 : to promise to marry
2 : to give in marriage