Friday, August 26, 2005

Pics of Alberta

Last Thursday of every month on Alberta is a free-for-all! Last night while cruisin' to the festivities I said, " let's get home a little earlier than we did the last time." Well, that did not happen.
I am going to let the pictures speak for themselves for the most part. I will give a one sentence synopsis of each.
1) Alpaca's are brought out to sell sweaters - I don't think they like it much. 2) YOUNG MEN in a band rockin' the entire street. 3) Girl creating balloon animals - she was reading the book on how to do it while she created them. 4) DJ setting up on the street corner which was really a bus stop handicap ramp. 5) Retro trailer is actually a rental - it can be yours for 65.00 a day. 6) Street corner singer - His song went something like this: "I hate to work, I hate to work, I hate to work...." 7) Three piece band in a gallery with lots of people milling about. 8) Girl with FIRE - she is actually swinging them around for the crowd while 5-8 guys play the drums on the side, the crowd got so large here that cars could not pass in either direction. 9) Random noun (AKA Kevin) was the BEST! He was an 11th grader who came out with his mom who is a massage therapist. She was offering a 10-minute massage, he was offering random nouns and useless facts. Mom said he made more money than her. 10) WELL- Rubenesque-Voluptuous-Need I say more? 11) Artists' setting up, kind of the calm before the storm.

1 comment:

El Serracho! said...

baloon girl loves mtns. i'm kinda partial to them as well.