Thursday, August 04, 2005

Dogs ????

If you can't quite telll what the first picture is click on it. It is a dog water bowl in the North Park blocks. It keeps bubbling water going for the canine all hours of the day. Dog bowls are everywhere in this city. They get placed outside the door of retail and restaurants (some of the nicest restaurants are dog friendly). Every dog in the city is invited to drink. This next part will offend many but take it from a "cat person" point of view. I don't understand the fascination with dogs. They require a lot of work, like children. You have to take them out to go to the bathroom, sometimes in the middle of the night. You must walk them and they drool, that's disgusting. But what I really don't get about dogs, is often times not the dogs fault it is the owners. Dogs bark. That is just what they why do owners always tell their dogs to stop barking. It is natural, kind of like humans breathing. I do not even attempt to tell my cat to stop meowing or purring - even when she is yelling at me at 3:00 am because she wants the sink faucet on (to be honest the cow always get up). What I am trying to say here is - get a cat and relax!

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