Sunday, December 04, 2005

Christmas Part I

There are so many events during the holiday season that it can get a bit overwhelming. As many of you know, the cow and I do not decorate for Christmas and we have scaled back to almost a negative proportion in even celebrating the Holiday; however, we decided since so many individuals and businesses put so much effort into their holiday extravaganza we should enjoy their efforts.

The first attempt at Holiday cheer began at the Meier & Frank store. It is a downtown icon. We know that M & F has been purchased by Macy's or is it Federated, anyway we knew that there would be changes next year and wanted to see what an old local chain had to offer in respect to Christmas decorations. To say the least - it was a disappointment. Climb to the 10th floor with a bunch of kids, parents and a drunk guy in the elevator. Step out onto the 10th floor expecting gradeur and all I got was this dark low ceiling room. We then followed all the kids, parents and drunk guy into a dark side room where there was a kitchy display of moving headed dolls and a train, screaming kids and a monorail (yes, I said a monorail for kids only). No pictures it was too dark.

In Pioneer Square the tree was erected over Thanksgiving weekend. This past weekend was the Holiday brewfest in the square and the city put tents around the tree. The only way you can see the tree is to get above the tents. Luckily, the brewfest was over on Sunday and Portlanders will be able to enjoy the tree without the tents soon.

Sunday morning was date day. Once a month the cow and I trade off on creating an interesting evening or day based around Portland opportunities. This month it was the cow's turn and he chose to incorporate a date day with a holiday theme. He took me to the Heathman Hotel for High Tea in the Holiday Room, it was elegant and inviting. The decorations and the room were lovely. I had Ceylon Vanilla tea and the cow chose Jasmine. We ate tiny little cakes and savories. It was a lovely way to spend a morning/afternoon.


El Serracho! said...

just one question on the tea. when did you begin with the booze?

sinisterhaley said...

at 12:30