Tuesday, December 13, 2005


After a long day of climbing through the snow, the cow and I headed up to the Timberline. Literally, the timber LINE is right below the lodge. It is a grand ole lodge built in 1936 during FDR's WPA (Works Progress Administration) program. The lodge is on the National Historic Registry and sits at 6,600 feet while Mt. Hood rises to 11,235 ft as the backdrop. The best World Cup National Teams train at Timberline in the summer. The resort has the longest ski season in North America. It has summer snow and closes around Labor Day for maintenance and then reopens for almost a whole year.
The cow and I sat at the bar enjoying our drinks and a great view.

1 comment:

El Serracho! said...

i like the pic through the window. ..look it's so close. you could just stroll to the top.