Monday, December 19, 2005

End of Year Letter

I sat down and poured my heart into an end of the year letter. I asked the cow to proof read and he did. I was working hard to get it to fit on one page - two sided (I know sometimes I write too much - sorry). I wanted to get them printed and in the mail.
I just received a phone call from my mother asking me if I forgot to send the 2nd page to the letter. My blood pressure instantly shot up and I grabbed one of the remaining copies to find a glaring error. At the very bottom I was trying to include a message about 2006 - inviting people to come visit the fair city of Portland. The printer apparently refused to print just one more line and my invitation to all.
I apologize for the error...and thanks mom for pointing it out.
KP said that at least it wasn't my nipple!

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