Monday, December 05, 2005

Ode to Pizza

Who in the world does not like Pizza? I am a huge fan of the pizza pie. I can eat it for breakfast, lunch, dinner, snack all in one day. There are many options for Pizza in PDX. Our latest taste was at Old Town Pizza. It is more of a thick crust, baked crisp, with fresh hot and cold ingredients. It was extremely tasty after a long night at the art walk. What I like most about OTP is that they deliver their pies by bicycle. Rain or shine you will see die hard workers delivering the pizza to some starving person within their delivery range.
I have decided that pizza will be an ongoing theme at PDX-antics. My favorite Pizza Shop so far is Mississppi Pizza - mainly because it is thin crust wholesome goodness with a great bar in the back. Stay tuned for more Pizza comments.


sinisterhaley said...

How about thursday night for a Friday blog!

El Serracho! said...

and you found a job for moi!