Sunday, December 18, 2005

I got asked on a date!

At work on Friday I received an e-mail from the cow asking me out on a date. The e-mail read: Aalto Lounge - :6:30? I replied: Would love to!
I arrived before him and ordered myself a Sidecar. He arrived just a few minutes after me and I told him how exciting it was to be asked out. He ordered a dirty Martini. He gave me absolutely no information on the reason behind the date. He just wanted to meet me at this time, at this location. We chatted about our day and the fact that vacation was only a week away when he said, "You know I think I have something in my backpack for you."
He pulled out a package all wrapped with bows and handed it to me. I asked if I could open it. When I heard yes I jumped right in.
I am so excited it is a NEW, TINY, Fit in my POCKET, Digital Camera. He gave it to me early so I could figure it out before we head to Montreal on Christmas Day.

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