Monday, December 12, 2005

Pix - NorthEast

This is a continuation of Thursday night so if you have not read the "Baraka" chapter - read that first.
So, we left Baraka and I mentioned that we should go by the NEW Pix Patissere in the NE. The cow was a bit tired but joined the fun when he realized he could have a grappa. When we got there it was packed. It was probably around 10:30 or so. It is much larger than the Pix on SE Division but it is still very tiny with a total of 20 tables. Each table seats two very small individuals. We figured out what we wanted from the case and then had a seat. Like I said it was very busy but I was not giving up. Guy took our order and when he brought back our drinks the cow and I thought that he might not know the potency of grappa because, as you can see in the picture, the guy gave us equal pours mine with the fruit wedge is a lillet blanc. We enjoyed our sweets and watched the crowd. The back wall of Pix is adorned with a few mirrors but if you look closely at the picture some of the frames are simply that....a hole has been cut into the wall and a frame placed around it. The hole is where you can stick your head through and watch the chocolates and desserts being made.
When the cow and I finally arrived home I was looking for the receipts and noticed my credit card was missing. Yes, I left it at Pix. When I went back the following day I found the graffiti on the wall wishing the New PIX on NE Williams success.

1 comment:

brett said...

so sad. it really angers me that north and north east neighbors would rather have bombed out buildings, homelessness, crackhouses and garbage instead of a thriving small business.