Wednesday, February 15, 2006

2934 NO MORE

I hope none of you actually put our address in your little black book in INK...because we are moving again.

HoY was posted on the rmls on Monday 2/13/06 at approximately 3:00pm. Our realtor had an open house for "other" realtors on Tuesday 2/14/06. By 8:00pm on Valentines eve the cow and I were trying to decide which offer to accept - there were four offers.
The first one presented by the realtor was a FULL PRICE OFFER. There was an escalation clause that read" purchaser willing to pay 1,000 dollars more than highest acceptable offer."
The second offer presented was also a FULL PRICE OFFER. There was an escalation clause that read "this offer shall be increased to an amount of 1,100 dollars more than the net amount of any other competing offer - however, buyer reserves the right to accept or reject all proposed escalations.
The third offer was written for 362,000 dollars (12,000 dollars over the asking price).

Are you sitting down....the last offer was written for 370,000 dollars (20,000 dollars over the asking price). So - 2934 NO MO!

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