Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Breaking News!

Portland sloshes through wettest January in 3 decades

And don't think it's over: Rain clouds the forecasts for a week
Tuesday, January 31, 2006
Portland closes the books today on the wettest January in more than three decades, with double the normal rainfall and more on the way.
As of Monday afternoon, nearly 10 inches had fallen this month at Portland International Airport, the most since January 1970, when 11.81 inches fell. Forecasters expect up to another inch or more of rain in the Portland area today, as another strong storm arrives.

Right this moment, the sun is shining through the windows in my room at school. I will be leaving for an appointment soon and by the time I reach my car it will be raining. This is where the cow and his hypothesizing about the weather comes in. Don't let him fool you folks. He has told so many people- it is not so bad. I will agree that the rain is not torrential BUT it is CONSTANT and the news proves it. The wettest January on record for 30 years.

1 comment:

El Serracho! said...

the cow is a propagandist.\

where i am is about 90 degrees and sunny. soon i shall go to the beach.