Monday, February 13, 2006

HoY and seL

It is official!
HoY is on the market and our new place in Sellwood is under construction.
Today HoY got a fancy sign out front with some flyers that will probably all be gone by tomorrow. The place also got a lock box and HoY is showing it's true colors on the rmls - #6010574
seL is short for Southeast Linn. This will be the cow, sh and tam's new street. The lot use to be a trolley spot, hence the reason it is called Trolley Barn. When you click on that link our place will be the one on the left. I can just see Tam sitting in the top windows now. seL could also be short for sellwood. Until I come up with something better I have chrisented the new place seL. Maybe I should chrisented it "the last place I will ever live" in the United States.
There is a pang of sadness as I do a bit of research on the Trolley Barn area. Apparently, DR Horten said they would keep three bays of the original Trolley Barn building and incorporate the brick structure into the site. You guessed it - they broke their promise. There is a small part of a facade from the original building that remains but not much. Read and see pictures of the Sellwood Trolley Barn.

1 comment:

El Serracho! said...

i can't wait to see my new room.