Thursday, February 02, 2006

Lewis and Clark or Clark Lewis

I headed down to Lewis & Clark college to discuss my future with an advisor. He basically said there is nothing Lewis & Clark can do for someone like me!
Just kidding. The grounds at L&C are beautiful. There is river access and the old stately buildings make you feel like you are on the campus of Georgetown. I was a bit amazed at the cost of being educated at L&C. It is 595.00 per unit. So, do the math - 3 units (the equivalent of one class) will cost you 1785.00. When I was adding in my head, I realized that a Master's in education curriculum and instruction at 36 unts would cost 21,420. Thinking about the HUGE salary increase I would recieve as a teacher for gaining all of this excess knowledge - it added up to a very bad decision. By the way, I was joking about the HUGE salary increase.

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