Sunday, December 11, 2005

Bicycle Intimidation

Every morning as I stroll to work I notice this or that, something new at a persons home or yard, that the owner put up more Christmas lights, or that the street sweepers had been by. I always notice the die hard bicyclists because they have gear beyond gear. It has been very beautiful (but chilly) this past week and I have seen more and more cyclist with more and more clothes. But this is not a story about bicycle clothes or gear it is about one lone cyclist.
I had just walked past SE Stephens and was approaching SE Harrison. Harrison is a very busy bike street because it is pretty much downhill from Mt. Tabor to downtown. I have learned to do what was taught to me in 3rd grade - STOP/LOOK/LISTEN. I can hear the cars coming from either direction but bicycles are stealth. I have stepped off the curb a couple of times to notice a bike flying in front of my face - it only took a couple of times to learn that I might want to slow down and not get RAN DOWN by a cyclist.
This particular walk to work I will never forget. As I approached Harrison, I looked up the hill and saw no one zooming down. I still didn't trust that look and when I got to the curb I stopped again and looked left. There - all of a sudden - was this guy on his bike with his bright yellow jacket and those funny bug yellow wrap around glasses slamming on his brakes to the point of a loud shrill and the back tire popping up. He came to a dead stop from a 40 mile an hour downhill - to give me the dirtiest look I have ever seen. I want to remind you I had not stepped off the curb. So, I smiled (the best I could) and said, "go ahead sir." Without a word or facial movement, he just stared me down until I was so intimidated that I ran across the street in front of him. As I looked back to try and give him a dirty look, he was four blocks down the hill with his messanger bag basically giving me the finger.


El Serracho! said...

was he giving you the finger? or was his messenger bag giving you the finger.

you can't truss those cyclists. especially if they wear a messenger bag whilst riding to work.

sinisterhaley said...

I would have to say he was giving me the finger but the only thing I could see was his messanger bag.